Our Approach

The InkSpace approach to analytics combines a proven methodology, structured collaboration and agile product management to create analytics that will get used in your organization.

Proven Methodology

Our proven approach to analytic development includes 6 steps.


Understand the Business Issue

The first and most important step in the process is to understand the business issue or opportunity that you face. For small projects, this may be nothing more than a short conversation, but gaining an understanding of the objectives of the project (no matter how small) is a crucial step that we never skip.

We use structured collaboration in complex projects to uncover issues in our clients’ businesses.


Understand the Data

You already have a lot of data in your organization. During this step in the process, we establish an understanding of what is available. We also assess data products on the market that may be able to supplement what you already have.

Crucially, during this step, we are able to build an estimate for the work required in order to deliver results for your organization.


Prepare the Data

During this step, we prepare a data set that is ready for modeling and analysis. We use tools to ensure the processes created during this step are always automated, and always repeatable.

Integrating data from multiple sources is a critical aspect of this step in the process as well.


Analyze and Model

This step is where we select and implement a model for analyzing and/or modeling your data. Once again, any data processes created during this step will be automated and repeatable.



This step is executed in concert with with the analyze and model step. Here, we work with your data experts, existing reports and applications to ensure the outputs created are accurate and reliable.


Visualize and Present

In the final step, we will create appealing visualizations, dashboards and reports that your business will use. These visualizations will be presented in a format that your users understand, and delivered in a mode that fits their day-to-day activities.

 Agile Product Management

To ensure we deliver analytics with outcomes, we use agile product management. We efficiently establishing a clear vision in the beginning of the project, prioritize ruthlessly, and deliver in bite size chunks. This means you’ll start seeing results sooner, and you will have the freedom to adjust.

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Structured Collaboration


If you want to build great analytics, you must involve your team. InkSpace recognizes that your people’s time is precious, and their input, crucial.

That’s why we use structured collaboration techniques which ensure you hear every voice, have efficient meetings, and arrive at real conclusions.

It’s even kind of fun (really).